My Spice and Spirit Passover Cookbook is my Passover hub. Every year as I put away my passover things, I make lists: "What I have," "Buy next year," and tips like what not to make, and what to buy more or less of... more eggs and bananas, no more than 2 kg of matzoh. I stick my lists in my cookbook so they're all ready when I'm ready to shop and plan the next year.
Here is one of the fourteen kugel recipes in my cookbook. I think it is closest to the basic potato kugel we've made in the past. My mom insists that hand grating the potatoes makes all the difference. I don't have time and this year I actually just chopped them in my cheap food processor because the grating attachment didn't work. It's still yummy. Just start with good potatoes.
Grated Potato Kugel
12 small/medium potatoes, peeled
2 onions, peeled and grated
6 eggs, beaten
1/3 cup chicken fat or oil
2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. fat or oil for pan
Preheat oven to 350F (177C). Peel potatoes and place in a bowl of cold water. In a large bowl combine eggs, oil and salt. Grate potatoes* and add to bowl. Mix well. Heat oil in 9" x 13" pan (a standard "half" pan). Add kugel mixture and bake for 1 1/2 hours.
*You need to squeeze some liquid out of the grated or chopped potatoes or you will have potato soup. Also grate onions and add to the bowl. You may also include ground black pepper or, my favorite, zucchini.
I do not peel the potatoes or soak them in water. I just scrub them well. Instead of greasing a baking sheet, I use parchment paper baking trays. Don't forget the salt!
Wishing you all a happy, kosher, and low stress Pesach!
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