
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kosher Cooking Carnival - Tammuz

I am honored to host this month's edition of Kosher Cooking Carnival (KCC), a monthly round-up of kosher cooking ideas and eats.

If you're new to Cooking Outside the Box, bruchim habayim, welcome!  I hope you'll browse my blog while you're here.  Check out my blogroll for other great food and Jewish blogs.

Looking for something to cook?  

This Shabbat my In-Laws, including my vegetarian sister-in-law came for dinner.  I made upside-down stuffed peppers and an avocado dip with cherry tomatoes, cumin, garlic, and some red pepper.  I discovered that the cold leftovers are good mixed together!  I am also hosting a designer apron giveaway.

Rivki's rhubarb ginger muffins
At Kosher Cooking for Ordinary People,  Rivki Locker makes Rhubarb Ginger Muffins (right) and an Onion Tart.

At for Your honor, Lizard makes a simple Summer Squash Salad with avocado.  I like her instructions in the form of a slide show.  For dessert,  Lizard makes a delicious looking Berry Rhubarb Pie with a beautiful lattice work crust.

Mrs. S. makes her own DIY Vanilla at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress..  I like her commentary on olim getting things from the states.  My in-laws just brought me Zip Lock bags!

Leora's curried chickpeas
Leora Wenger makes Curried Chickpeas (right) at Here in HP.  She doesn't rely on curry powder or paste.  It is all simple ingredients you can get wherever you live, and tweak to your taste.

At me-ander Batya makes Unbelievably Easy, Baked Veggies With Salmon.  This light, balanced meal is right up my alley, right down to her "non-recipe" style.  Batya also discovers new tasty combinations of cooked veggies and a colorful salad when she has to use up the contents of her fridge, and reviews two cookbooks: Persian Food from the Non-Persian Bride and Kosher Elegance.

Sarah Melamed of Food Bridge always has mouthwatering photos of unique food and Israeli nature.  She recently made Stuffed Artichokes.

Lisa Rose's gluten-free berry tart
 For dessert, Lisa Rose makes a gluten-free, naturally sweetened Fresh Berry Tart (left) with arrowroot powder, all natural ingredients, and no corn-products at Real Food Digest.  It includes tips on using arrowroot in place of flour and cornstarch.

Some Shavuot inspired posts:

Ilana-Davita presents Shavuot Recipe Roundup, including Rye Soda Bread and Greek Red Onion Pie with Feta.

At This and That,  Avital Pinnick presents Wouldn't be Shavuot without Cheesecake, including reasons why we eat cheesecake and the simplest cheesecake recipe I've ever seen.

Miryummy' Black forest Blintzes
At Miriyummy,  Mirjam Weiss also writes a collection of recipes for Shavuot in A Little On The Cheesy Side - 5771, including Black Forest Blintzes (right) and her "super-easy, and almost idiot-proof" Hungarian/Thai Salmon.

Phyllis Sommer makes Bourekas from puff pastry, mozzarella cheese, and leeks at Ima on (and off) the Bimah.  She says, "I made these for Shavuot but you could make them any day of the year!!!"

If you need ideas for what to make, check out Kosher Frugal Menus, where Esther/Northern Lights plans her menu for Shabbat Parashat Chukat

Planning for company?  A must read is Hannah Katsman's tips for hosting Sheva Brachot. Hannah also writes recipes and cooking tips like Ten Terrific Turnip Recipes and Cool Summer Cooking Tips at

Cafe Liz's pasta
 Also worth noting, Liz Steinberg, of Cafe Liz, put together a list of Israel Food Blogs with an RSS feed of recent posts.  It's worth bookmarking!  I love Liz's gorgeous photography, like Israeli pasta fonduta with labaneh and zaatar (left), and she always posts unique recipes.

I hope you enjoy this month's round-up of posts from the kosher blog community!
If you would like to submit your blog article to the next edition of KCC, use the carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found at the blog carnival index page.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! And for this great roundup!

  2. Excellent carnival! This is your first time, right? Great job! And thanks for including my posts.

  3. Hi Mirij, It is my first time. I've been looking forward to it, and it was fun. Thanks! I did have some problems getting the e-mails so Batya had to e-mail me the html. I hope I didn't leave out any last minute entries.

  4. What a lovely edition! Thank you for including a link and image of my chickpeas.

    I will have to poke around your blog - my first visit!

  5. Thank you for the hard work and for including my posts.

  6. Wonderful job. Thanks so much for hosting. The jblogger community is great.

  7. Great job! Thanks for including my post, and have a wonderful summer!

  8. Thanks for the mention! You found a nice range of stuff.

  9. Greetings from Scotland! I enjoyed reading your articles.

  10. These cooking carnivals are getting better each month - I love getting introduced to new blogs! Thanks for hosting this month.

  11. Wow! That was so great! I loved Sarah Melamed's photos (Food Bridge). I think I'm going to try some things...
