
Friday, April 22, 2011

Passover Brownies (Gluten-free)

I like to make a variety of goodies before Passover begins: walnut brittle, meringues, chocolate nut meringue-type cookies, brownies, and sometimes ginger candy.  This year I got strep throat right before Pesach, and in the interest of simplicity I had my husband whip up two pans of these very easy brownies.  Based on the "Pesach Brownies" recipe on page 199 of the Spice and Spirit Kosher for Passover Cookbook.   Multiply by two for two 9"x13" pans - "half pans".

Preheat oven to 350 F or 180 C.

Beat together:
4 eggs
1 cup oil
1 3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
3/4 cup potato starch

Optional, but highly recommended, add:
1 cup whole, chopped, or ground walnuts
 I like LOTS of nuts, and I add extra on top. 

Bake in a greased 9" by 13" pan, 30 minutes or until the batter is firm.

You may also like other Passover Ideas.


  1. These look really good. Bummer I didn't see it yesterday before I baked.

  2. These look simple and yummy. I make a similar recipe and this year I made one batch with some Pesach marshmallows mixed in. They were terrific!

  3. Found this recipe when I was looking of a way to use my failed meringues. It look tasty & simple to bake.. perfect! Will try baking this soon. I hope it turns out well!
