
Friday, April 22, 2011

Gluten-Free Passover Crepes

One of my favorite things to make on Pesach are crepes.  Once you learn to eye the ingredients they are easy to whip up for breakfast or lunch.  In the morning, I make about 3 from 2 eggs without measuring.  Before Shabbat, I use a recipe and make 9-12 eggs worth.  During the year we don't eat much dairy, but on Pesach, I love to melt cheese in crepes, make pizza wraps with homeade tomato sauce, or make tuna melts (pictured.)  Sometimes I spread them with my thick, sweet stewed tomatoes and add leftover chicken from soup, lettuce, and fresh herbs. 

The recipe below approximates the ratio that I like to use for a springy, slighty chewy crepe that is easy to fill.  You can use less potato starch and more eggs, depending on your preference.  Like 4 tablespoons of potato starch for 4 eggs.
  1. Heat non-stick pan on medium-low flame.  (Or grease a regular pan between every crepe or two.)
  2. Disolve almost 1/2 cup potato starch into 1/2 cup water by mixing.
  3. Mix in 3 beaten eggs, a sprinkle of salt and a drizzle of oil (optional).  For sweet crepes add sugar or simple syrup.
  4. Mix batter well before pouring into hot pan.  Swirl pan to get a thin, even circle of batter.
  5. Cook about 30 seconds, until crepe seems flipable.  Cook about 5 seconds on the other side.
  6. Enjoy hot or store.  Crepes stay fresh for at least three days... if no one eats them all right up.  They also reheat well with out feeling stale or dry.
Suggested fillings:

  • Tuna and lettuce (I mix my tuna with "gvina levana" soft cheese instead of mayonaise)
  • Tuna and melted cheese and tomatoes
  • Homemade tomato sauce an melted cheese
  • Sundries tomato and basil
You may also like my post with other Passover Ideas.


  1. I make crepes also and appreciate it when our menu is different than the rest of the year. These look light and airy.

  2. Those crepes look amazing. Very creative. And making me hungry.

  3. I love the versatility of crepes. I've got cottage cheese blintzes and potato/onion blintzes on the menu, but if Pesach was longer I'd definitely do more.

  4. I shared this recipe with my Parent-Tot class at the synagogue. My kids look forward to these crepes every year. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  5. we serve this on shabbat of pesach for a few yrs. there is an option of several fillings (leftover stirfry from fri nt,sauteed chopped meat, avocado, lettuce, matbucha etc) and everyone rolls there own. came here as i update my pescah list to see if there were more precise instructions. thank you for your recipee! happy spring!
