
Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Logo!

I am pleased to present the new Cooking Outside the Box logo, which will be printed on the aprons I am designing.  I want to thank my mother, Caren Hackman for working on this and trying to solidify my many ideas.  I even got to see her work via Skype screen share.  I also want to thank her friend, Susan Julien (@adpstudios), for working on the logo and giving us the whisk.  Most of all I want to thank my talented designer friend, Tzippy Lankin.  She worked with me to get from the many ideas my mom and Susan gave me to what I hope is our final design, above.  It was a real pleasure working with her and an honor to observe her skill and hear her process.  Tzippy is a professional graphic designer and jewelry artist.  You can see more of her work on Tzippy's Facebook page.

By the way, I've started tweeting.  You can follow me @nonrecipe

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  1. I like it! And I love the whisk!

  2. Congratulations! I love the logo, but I guess I'm not objective...:-)

    It was pleasure to work on your logo, and your mom was so helpful.

    Much luck!

  3. Mazal tov on the logo - looks so professional! I followed you on Twitter (@ordinaryblogger).
