
Friday, August 26, 2011

Fig Marmalade Pie with Low-fat Crust and Lavender Sugar

With six cups of fresh figs in my fridge not getting any fresher, I needed to do something with them, fast.  I used the technique from Mini Cherry Pies, to make this simple fig deliciousness.

1. In a small pot, cook:
  • 4 cups quartered or chopped figs 
  • 3/4 cups lavender sugar (you could really use any sugar)
  • juice from 1/4 orange (about 1/8 cup)
  • zest of one whole orange (or more if you like)
  • pinch of salt
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • optional: other spices of your choice 

2. Liquid should eventually reduce and figs will look more brown than green. At this point I blended slightly with a hand blender for a smoother consistency, but this is a matter of preference.

3. Coat the bottom of a pie pan (or muffin tins) with butter, margarine, or oil. Spread with oats (preferably minute oats, not instant) up the sides of the glass.

4. Fill with fig jam mixture.

5. Top with the following mixture or you favorite crumble crust. (Meringue would also be lovely.)
  • 1-1.5 cups oats
  • optional: chopped nuts
  • 1-3 tablespoons margarine or the like
  • liquid from the fig mixture or other sweetener (sugar)
  • cinnamon
  • salt  

6. Gently and evenly crumble over the top of the pie.

7. Bake at 175 C or 350 F until the top starts to brown.

You may also enjoy Thanksgiving: Crusts and Crumbles and Mini Cherry Pies (Reduced Fat).

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