
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Zucchini Carrot Muffins - No Sugar Added

I just went to take pictures of my moist, delicious muffins, but they're all gone!  I usually make my muffins with some ground dates or prunes and some brown or white sugar, but this is the fist time I've attempted to make muffins with no sugar.  I don't know if these are technically diabetic approved, but you can surely eat them and feed them to your family with less guilt.  I am no expert, but my understanding is that the fiber in the fruits, vegetables, and whole wheat flour, as well as the beneficial effects of cinnamon, should slow the body's conversion of the ingredients into simple sugars (needing insulin) making them low-glycemic.  I welcome anyone who can comment on this.
Here's what you need to make about 2 dozen small/medium muffins:

3 zucchini - grated
3 carrots - grated
8-10 prunes - blended
8-10 dates - blended
2 or 3 eggs
1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil (or some combination with natural apple sauce)
2-3 Tbsp agave syrup (optional)
1/4 tsp vanilla or 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar
1/4 - 1/2 tsp salt (depending on your taste)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 teaspoon or 5 grams (1/2 packet) baking powder (I couldn't find baking soda, but you could use a combination.)
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup raisens, more to taste

Grate vegetables, move to large mixing bowl.
Blend dates, prunes, and other wet ingredients.  Add to vegetables.
Mix dry ingredients, then add.
Mix until consistency is even with no pockets of flour, then portion into muffins or a loaf.

Bake on 350 F or 175 C for at least 15 minutes, depending on size of muffins.

Carrot Cake Option:
Substitute 4 carrots for zucchini, add 1/2 tsp cinnamon and allspice.  Bake until firm.
Top with sweetened cream cheese or meringue.  (You can whip cream cheese with agave syrup, honey, or Splenda, if you want to avoid the traditional powdered sugar.)


  1. Agave syrup/nectar has a low GI number. Is is comprised mostly of fructose, which is considered safer for diabetics to absorb. It is also said to have some other healthy trace vitamins and minerals. It is much sweeter per calorie than sugar, so you can use less for the same effect. I would recommend diabetics consume in moderation and stay apprised of the latest research. It is certainly healthier for everyone than white sugar and splenda.

  2. when I saw the words 'sugar free' I assumed these would be artificially sweetened, and I don't use any artificial sweeteners. I am so pleased to see that these are naturally sweetened! They'll make a sweet treat for my diabetic father in law! Bookmarking these to try soon.

  3. Thanks for participating in my blog carnival

    It's going live tomorrow, and I included this recipe - I love muffins, and they're definitely a great way to send a nutritious snack in a school lunch!

  4. These muffins are delicious, I did do some change ups only because I used what was available in my kitchen, but this recipe is going in my cookbook
    I also bake using cast iron so it bakes evenly

  5. Thanks for commenting Deirdre! I'm glad to hear you took some liberty with these with good results. That's what "non-recipes" are all about. I would hate to hear someone didn't make muffins because they thought they didn't have the "right" ingredients. Almost no muffin ingredient is set in stone.
