
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stuffed Zucchini: Part 1

Last night my friend Tzippy and I were at the shuk around closing time.  I pointed out some zucchini that were different from what I was used to in the States.  She said they are very good for stuffing.  We both bought some and I suggested that I would post what we each did with ours.

Here are mine:

I filled mine with 2/3 brown rice and 1/3 short grain white rice, a mix of dried vegetables and spices from Pereg and canned corn.  Then I baked them uncovered, but not long enough according to my husband.  He preferred the rice while my daughter preferred the zucchini, my son didn't eat much and I liked it all.

Tzippy's still look like this as of this posting:
Click here to see how Tzippy made her zucchini.

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