
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Leftover Party: Sushi Salad

This is not a recipe, but an example of how to use odds and ends up by adding some new ingrediants and flavors.  My husband didn't even recognize the leftovers he insisted he'd never eat.  Instead his reaction was, "I love sushi salad!" and, "This is delicious."

- about 1/3 cup lentils, added soy sauce
- about 1/3 cups baked or 1.5 cans worth of salmon.  This was mediocre frozen salmon I had baked with homemade rosemary mayonnaise.  I crumbled it and added a little regular mayo and a cheap, sweet teriyaki sauce.

- About 1/2 cup short grain rice (that's all I had) cooked and cooled slightly.  Then added vinegar and sugar.
- 2 cucumbers chopped
- a handful of sesame seeds which I toasted for about a minute over the gas flame in my popcorn bowl
- 1 sheet Nori, torn up

I would have a picture, but it was eaten too quickly!  If you want a more normal sushi salad recipe, not an example of leftover usage, click HERE.

DIABETIC TIP: You can make sushi or sushi salad with barley for a low GI alternative.  I'll post barley sushi on Sunday, January 16.

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