
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Modern Day Recipe Box

I don't use recipes.  I love recipe books, but for ideas only.  I put my creative energies into my food and it bores me to "paint by number" or create the same thing twice.  However, I've decided to start recording some of the things I cook in case I want to build off the idea in the future.  Why reinvent the wheel, right?  So if you are reading this and try any of my non-recipes, I hope you will comment with your own innovations, and I will do the same.

A little background: We moved to Israel in January 2010.  Most of the food we find in the market is locally grown and in season.  This summer's heat wave destroyed many crops, and the prices of things that used to be dirt cheap, like tomatoes, now make that summer gazpacho quite a luxury.  So instead of deciding what I want to cook and then shopping, I see what I can afford and try to put it together into some semblance of a balanced meal.  My goal for this blog is to post several non-recipes/food prep ideas every week and eventually you can search my blog according to what is in your fridge to get ideas for what to make.

I hope to inspire you to cook creatively, try new foods and mix uncommon elements.  You don't need to stick to dishes that have already been named.  In my opinion, if you can't cook it without looking at the recipe, it's probably too complicated for every day meals.  I try to make simple dishes full of flavor and nutrients.  Please comment and share some of your favorite dishes!

1 comment:

  1. I just found you through Hannah's Mother in Israel, looking forward to seeing what you have to say.

    And brucha haba'ah home!
