
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mini Cherry Pies (Reduced Fat)

"Guest Worthy Wednesday" (see top menu bar) is coming early this week, because I just can't wait to share this delicious treat with you and the participants of "Slightly Indulgent Tuesday."

I was inspired to make Cherry Pie by the mouthwatering pictures on Ari Cooks "Welcoming July with Sour Cherry Pie." However, I needed something a bit easier and with less fat than traditional pie crusts.  (We can pretend it was for health reasons, but I also was restrained by only having one spoonful of margarine left in the fridge.)

For the filling you will need:
  • 3-4 cups clean pitted cherries, halved, or other seasonal fruit cut in small pieces.  (I added three red plums.)
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1-2 Tbs fresh lemon juice 
  • A small pot


1. Heat ingredients on the stove until fruit softens and sugar bubbles and starts to caramelize on the edges of the pot.  Mix continuously.

2. While cherries start to cook, start crust.  I started with 2 cups of whole walnuts in my food processor, but you can start with any ground nut and mix by hand.  Mix:
  • 1.5 - 2 cups finely chopped walnuts
  • 1.5 - 2 cups oats (whole or quick cooking oats are fine, avoid instant oats.)
3. Spoon this mixture into muffin tins, a silicon muffin tray (my preference) or a regular pie plate. This bottom layer should be solid enough not to see the bottom of the pan.  It will absorb the extra cherry liquid and cook.

4. Add to the remaining "crust" mixture:
  • about 3 Tbs oil and/or margarine/butter
  • about 3 Tbs sugar or other sweetener
  • cinnamon to taste
5. Spoon the partially cooked cherries into the muffin tray or pie plate.  Extra liquid is okay, but don't let it come up higher than the cherries.

6. Top with the sweetened crust crumble.

7. Bake 375 F or 170 C until the topping is golden brown.

You may also enjoy Thanksgiving: Crusts and Crumbles and Fig Marmalade Pie with Low-fat Crust and Lavender Sugar.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chana said...

    Hi, Thanks for this recipe I can't wait to try it for tomorrow's dessert. bout almonds?...I love roasted almonds and am constantly roasting them and always have them on hand...I also have walnuts though...nice to try em...maybe they would be better? your opinion? do you think the plums are essential or how about only cherries? this recipe sounds so dynamite! Shabbat Shalom, Chana

  3. Thanks for catching my typo! I fixed it - 1.5 - 2 cups walnuts, as in almost two cups. You can use whatever nut you like. I think of almonds as being a little dense for this, but I would like to know how it comes out. I love pecans, but they are so expensive. The plums are far from essential. You could make the same thing with strawberries or whatever else you like. The idea is that the extra juices are absorbed by the oatmeal on the bottom to make a tasty, low-fat, and easy crust.

  4. mmmmm! I loooove the crust mixture...that sounds really really good!

  5. Oh my goodness! These look incredible! Thanks for linking up on Recipes I Can't Wait to Try!
