
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Make Pre-mixed Bulgur Salad

The end of summer is a busy time.  Everyone I know seems to be moving, having a baby, taking a last minute vacation, or getting ready for school to begin.  Busy times can lead to poor food choices, so I want to take this post to remember an old favorite - instant bulgur pilaf.

Bulgur wheat is pre-boiled, dried, and cracked.  It cooks as easily as instant oatmeal, is faster and healthier than instant rice, and fit for lunch or dinner.  And, it's a whole lot cheaper than pre-packaged grain mixes.

You will need a clean container that closes tightly.  I'm using the jar from instant coffee.  Before you begin, check all your ingredients and spices for bugs.  (One wormy walnut will ruin your whole batch.  Ew.)

Fill about halfway with bulgur wheat, then add whatever you like.  The bulgur will double in size, so season accordingly.  Don't be shy!  Have fun, be creative, mix and close tightly.  Here is what went into my last batch:
  • bulgur
  • sun-dried tomatoes (not marinated) chopped small
  • dry shitake mushrooms, broken small  
  • pine nuts
  • dehydrated onions
  • whole mustard seeds 
  • dry thyme
  • dry basil
  • ground coriander seed
  • garlic powder
  • ground red pepper flakes
  • citric acid 
  • salt
For a single serving, poor 1/4 to 1/2 cup of mix into a bowl or hot cup, add twice as much boiling water, stir, cover, wait for grains to absorb all water.

Featured in Slightly Indulgent Tuesday; 8/16/11


  1. What a great idea for preparing a meal in a hurry. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Not only a great idea for preparing an easy meal at home, this is also a great gift to give a new mother.

  3. Great idea! Thank you for linking to It's a Party!

  4. I love this idea! I love your blog too. I think we are due around the same time; I am October 18. We just made aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh. I'm excited for your homebirth! I've never done it but always wanted to.
