
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My First Linky Entry

If you're a regular blog reader, you know that many blogs have a weekly Blog Party or Blog Carnival that they run where other bloggers can link recipes or posts that fit the topic.  Today I joined "Slightly Indulgent Tuesday" on a blog I just found, Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free.  Slightly Indulgent Tuesday is a collection of recipes that are not necessarily Sugar or Gluten Free, but they are in some way healthier than the standard option.  I posted "No Sugar Added, Whole Wheat Carrot Zucchini Muffins".  There are lots of exciting recipes worth checking out.  I'm looking forward to trying "Dairy-Free Chocolate / Carob Almond Fudge (with Sugar-Free option)" on Whole. New. Mom.

On a related note, I'm planning to start my own monthly Linky on what's is season!  This is a great place to share whatever foods you are currently enjoying wherever you live.  There will be no recipes required, all food-related pictures, thoughts, and love-notes are welcome.  Come back at the beginning of August to link up.  If you are not a blogger, or don't have a post to link, send your pictures and stories to and I will include them!  (Make sure to include whatever bio info you want me to include.)  You can also send me links from the last month on this topic.

I have also started reading some new blogs and plan to update my blogroll soon.  What are your favorite food-related blogs?  What Link Parties do you enjoy?


  1. Looking forward to linking up next month!

  2. I love the seasonal idea - I'm in! I sort of cook seasonally but I would like to get a LOT better. My favorite carnivals are not food related but you might enjoy them, with little ones around - play ideas, like these:
