
Friday, July 15, 2011

Frozen Fruit PLUS More Ice Pop Ideas

UPDATE: One of my kids' favorite summer activities is picking grapes from the fridge, putting them in a cup and waiting for them to freeze.  (Then they eat them.) Go figure.  I also froze half bananas on popsicle sticks and my kids LOVED them.

Fruit almost too ripe?  Freeze it!  Is that too obvious?  It's surprising how much my kids enjoy eating frozen bananas and frozen grapes.  And now I never have to worry about buying more than we can eat. 

Besides bananas and grapes, I've frozen strawberries, apricots, watermelon and cherries.  I froze the watermelon in silicon muffin trays with a pitted cherry on top.  The strawberries I froze in half and quarter pieces spread out in a single layer on a tray.  Then I transferred them to a zip-top bag.

Going away this summer?  Freeze any produce you won't have time to eat.  Wash and prep fruits and veggetables so they are ready to eat or cook when you get home.  It will be nice to have some healthy food awaiting your return, and the washed and cut veggies will save you time when you are catching up on laundry and work.

Bananas and strawberries make great shakes, "ice cream," and ice pops.  (I add yogurt and milk for pops.)  Ice pops can also be stored in a zip-top bag or container after they are solid.

Want to involve your kids?  Have them add tiny pieces of frozen fruit (or fresh or canned fruit) to ice pop molds.  They can make different fruit layers or mix fruit together.  Then pour juice or milk over the top and freeze.  What else can you put in popsicles?  Chocolate, sprinkles, vitamin D drops... ?

Also see my post on Adult-Worthy Ice Pops.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yosefa, great to see you on Craft Schooling Sunday! Also, I'd really apprecaite your help in spreading the word about my blog, would love to connect with some more moms in Israel too! all the best! And by the way, frozen bananas blended in a food processor or with a soup wand make amazing healthy ice cream!
