
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Olive Aventure Part 5: Fix Salty Black Olives

I was planning to have a few guests for brunch this week, so I did a little olive taste test.  The green olives are nice.  The black olives are awful!  My first reaction was good, then I got to the overly salty core, and I gagged.  I attempted to fix them by stabbing them with a fork, soaking them in water for 24 hours, then drying them and putting them in fresh oil.  I hope it works.  Additionally, the front runners so far, in my opinion, are the oil cured olives with lavender.  I can't wait to reuse my lavender infused oil when the olives are gone!

Also see Part 4: Dry Cure.


  1. Are the ones you gave me from that batch?

  2. Are you thinking of posting a recipe for the lavender olives? That sounds really interesting.

  3. You can see me making lavendar olives in Part 4: Dry Cure. I just crushed home dried lavendar in the jar before adding the olives and olive oil.
